Admitted Students

Admitted Checklist

Schedule for your Placement Exam.


所有没有AS或AA学位的大一新生和转学生都必须申请 在注册课程之前,他们必须参加英语和数学的入学考试.

如果更好的话,你也可以选择虚拟完成你的分班考试 for your schedule.



New Student Checklist

祝贺你被188bet金宝搏官网登录网址录取! We are excited to 帮助你成为一个成功的美洲狮,所以让我们迈出第一步.



Ready to become a CSU Cougar?


Step A: Claim Account >>

Click here for instructions to claim your account. 一旦你的账户被认领,打印这一页作为你的记录. 您将使用该帐户的用户ID和密码进行一些操作,包括电子邮件 and an online learning system called Moodle.

Step B: Confirm Enrollment

In your admission decision letter click on "Intent To Enroll" link. When the page opens, choose: 我接受188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的录取通知书. 

提交你的免费FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助) October 1st. 资金以先到先得的方式发放,所以请尽快提交申请 (U.S. citizens and permanent residents only).

Have you applied for financial aid?

择优奖学金的优先考虑是基于完成FAFSA by February 1st.

Please visit our FAFSA web page or contact Financial Aid at for assistance and/or additional information. CSU’s federal code is 001694. 

成为188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的高级学者! For Freshman and Transfers (with less than 23 credits) ONLY

Rise 学院是一个第一年的体验项目,从夏季或秋季开始 一个为期五周的介绍性大学课程,有针对性的建议和,继续全面 student support throughout the academic year. The Rise 奖学金涵盖申请后第一年的全部学杂费 all financial aid awards for the 2022-2023 academic year; also includes free loan 一所大学的四年制本科和教科书代金券.

For more information on RISE Academy.

所有新入学的一年级学生和一些转学生都必须填写 take the placement exams. 入学考试应在入学时或入学后尽快进行 (If applicable).

Please use our online registration form 预约参加你的分班考试.

Learn about and register for New Student Orientation by visiting here.

在开始上学之前,你必须参加一个培训,我们鼓励你的父母 to attend.

入学介绍提供了关于你在科罗拉多州立大学教育生涯的重要信息,包括 注册课程,支付账单,提交所需表格,订购教科书, and more. 


Complete these steps by Orientation

入学指导是一个充满了许多行动来完成你的注册的日子. The steps 以下可以在迎新前或迎新时完成.

课程作业只会在你收到每所学校的正式成绩单后进行评估 评价处已收到参加和/或成绩.

请给我们的办公室3周的时间来完全输入所有的转移学分. Students can view 通过导航到学生频道,在Cougar Connect上转移信用详细信息.

All current students (已经在科罗拉多州立大学上课的学生)如果转学分不可见, 请立即与评估办公室联系. 

你有兴趣住在我们的宿舍吗? After you confirm your enrollment, you can complete a housing application.

Please visit our Housing & Residence Life webpage or contact if you need more information.

免疫接种是州法律的要求,不遵守将导致学术 withdrawal. 在注册之前,您需要提供免疫证明 compliance. 所有在校内上课的在册学生都必须提供证明文件 of immunizations.

Complete the Student Immunization Record (pdf) form and send it to:

Chicago State University


9501 S. King Drive

Chicago, IL 60628

Students should contact the Wellness Center,位于房间131,库克行政大楼,或致电(773)995-2010进一步 关于如何满足伊利诺伊州免疫要求的信息.

新录取的学生需要提供他们的最终正式高中成绩单 或最终正式的大学成绩单,并加盖学校印章和毕业证书 of Admissions.

学生可以要求将ACT或SAT官方成绩发送到CSU - Code 0992 by contacting the agencies listed below.

如果你在高中上过社区大学或获得过大学学分, 请让他们把正式的成绩单寄给本科招生办公室 by July 1.


  1. (AP) Advanced Placement
  2. (CLEP) College-Level Examination Program
  3. (IB) International Baccalaureate
  4. State Seal of Biliteracy
  5. Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment

大学先修课程和国际学士学位学分通常被接受 你达到了每门考试的最低分数要求. Detailed information on these credits may be found here.


Office of Records and Registration

Academic Evaluations and Advisement ADM 128

Chicago State University

9501 S. King Drive

Chicago, IL 60628

按时交学杂费,这样你就不会被退学. Your verified 资金来源必须在付款到期日之前到位,其中包括经济援助, scholarships, payment plan, or pay in full.  Log into your student payment portal 检查你的账单,登记付款计划,付款,建立你的 direct deposit information. payment |  |  773-335-2029


Important Contacts

Department Phone
Academic Advising  773) 995-4510
Admissions (773) 995-2513 or
(800) 278-3011
Abilities Office (773) 821-4401
Bursar (773) 995-2470
Examinations (773) 995-3634
Financial Aid (773) 995-2304 or
(877) 278-8898
Global Engagement Office (773) 995-2582
Honors College (773) 995-3801
Housing (773) 995-4543
Parking (773) 995-2141
Records & Registration (773) 995-2517 or
(855) 390-5136
Student Health Insurance (773) 995-4533
Veteran Affairs (773) 995-3549
Wellness Health Center (Immunizations) (773) 995-2011